Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Whale watching near Lahaina

We had already bought tickets online from Pacific Whale Foundation, a non-profit organization that does quite a bit of whale research. We had to reach Lahaina, a port city almost close to dawn! It was still chilly in December. As we were witnessing the first sunrise of ours in Hawaii while waiting for a whale to pop up, I decided to go downstairs of the boat to get a cup of coffee- I heard our tour guide speaking with excitement, "please look at 10 O'Clock…." I ran upstairs and after that as they say 'is history'. I saw the beautiful sight of whales, closest in my life, between the position 10 and 2 of the clock! I guess, it was lucky day for us, the whales were all ready for the show; we knew all the new vocabulary of 'breach', 'slap', 'blow','fluke','blow spy' etc.
The humpback whales come back to Hawaii every winter from Alaska to mate, calve and nurse their babies. They take the same route. Humpbacks may use acoustical cues, currents, and temperature

changes and even the earth's magnetic field to find their way. They even sing! More information could be found at

As we reached the shore, we couldn't forget about the amazing trip. We stopped by the store and I bought 'Humpbacks of Hawaii - Long Journey Back' by Greg Kaufman and Paul Forestell. The book tells a lot about Humpback whales.

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